Where did the name 41 Grains come from?

Where did the name 41 Grains come from?

Kacie Sikveland
41 Grains? What does that mean?  Well, Rex, my husband, and I were going through a ton of ideas for our business. After weeks of brainstorming, we just weren’t loving even the favorites that we had originally selected. Although our business is in Circle Montana, I said I just didn’t want it to be “Circle” specific but something that still mentioned our community. Rex said, “what about county 41?” County 41 is McCone county where we live and do all our farming.  Yes!! 41 Grains!  We later learned that Montana is also the 41st state to enter the Union, so not only is 41 significant to our great local community in McCone County but also to our wonderful state of Montana!  We also have learned that because our name starts with a number we are usually at the top of all lists because numbers go before letters so that turned out to be a great added bonus.  
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